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The support of the following Trusts and Foundations, businesses and individuals is vital in enabling us to fulfil our remit to deliver quality live music and learning and engagement programmes within Edinburgh and we are very grateful to them.

If you would like to be part of this group, please contact our Fundraiser, Monica Sutcliffe:

Trusts, Foundations and Corporate Sponsors

Creative Scotland

Cruden Foundation

Foyle Foundation

Grants of Bathgate

Historic Environment Scotland Recovery Fund

Holyrood Distillery

Nancie Massey Charitable Trust

Penpont Charitable Trust

Performing Arts Venue Relief Fund

SCVO Adapt & Thrive Programme

William Syson Foundation

W M Mann Foundation

Core funding

The City of Edinburgh Council

Accessibility video

SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund

External renovations

Historic Environment Scotland

The Scottish Government


Professor John Dale

Piano Repairs and Renewals

Douglas Home; Inches Carr Trust; Hilary Ross; Jill Shanks; Patrick Simpson in Memory of Hester Dickson; William Stevens; Bruce Stout; Grant Sutherland

Upgrades to Ventilation System

Binks Trust

Website re-design

The Bacher Trust

Pew Covers

Robin Blair, Rose Clark, Christopher Field, Susan Goode, Keith Griffiths, Douglas Hall, Eveline Harkness, Pamela Harper, Joan Harvey, Ronald Hill, John Innes, Lionel Jackson, John Kelly, D & J Lamb, Kathleen Munro, Tanya Parker, Penpont Trust,  Elizabeth Rogers, Hilary Ross, Mike Rymaruk, Alan Searl, Mirren Stobie, George Stout, Sheena Sturrock, Colin Tyre, Chris Urmson, Selby Wands

Plus an anonymous Trust

Legacies & In Memoriam

Joyce Agnew

Francis Brewis

Philip Cunningham

Friends and family in memory of Heriot Currie

Stuart Mair

Evelyn Matheson

Mary McKenzie

Kathleen Newis

Karin Froebel Overton

Jo and Joyce Penney

Muriel Marshall Smith in memory of Violet Rennie.

Image: Michael Dawson