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Music by Debussy, Hesketh, Janáček and Respighi.

Michael Foyle violin 

Maksim Štšura piano

CD launch.

Foyle-Štšura Duo won the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe Duo Competition and the Salieri-Zinetti International Chamber Music Competition in 2015. Since then, they have performed recitals in Wigmore Hall, Purcell Room, Buckingham Palace, Bridgewater Hall, Usher Hall, Amsterdam Concertgebouw, as well as for the New York Chamber Music Festival, Cervantino Festival in Mexico and Evgeny Mravinsky Festival in Tallinn and St. Petersburg. Their performances have been broadcast on BBC Radio 3, NPO Radio 4 and Estonian Klassikaraadio. Formerly Park Lane Group, Kirckman Concert, Making Music and Live Music Now artists, receiving masterclasses from Stephen Kovacevich and Maxim Vengerov, they are now City Music Foundation Ambassadors. In 2018 they record their debut CDs – complete works of Penderecki and Lutosławski for Delphian Records and a World War One recital release for Challenge Records. 

Image credit: Alastair Merrill

There will be a retiring collection for the Royal Mile Monument to the surgeon Elsie Inglis (1864-1917) pioneer of social & war medicine and founder of Edinburgh's Scottish Women's Hospitals of WW1: the aim of The Dr Elsie Inglis-Scottish Women's Hospitals' Trust Charities Number: SCO45161

Presented by McFarlane Productions - encouraging Scottish arts.

"Scottish violinist Michael Foyle and Estonian pianist Maksim Štšura have one of those perfectly meshing musical partnerships that is a joy to hear."

(Mike Wheeler, Music & Vision)

The Great War